Student Solution


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Managerial Economics_Module 10 Case Study

Managerial Economics_Module 10 Case Study

Q 1. Calculate the average price of vehicles sold. 2. Calculate average variable costs for 1999 and the target for 2000. 3. Calculate the size of the overall Japanese vehicle market in 1999. 4. If Nissan can reduce its variable costs in vehicle production by 5 percent in 2000 compared with its target, estimate the effect on profit and return on sales.

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The average price can be referred to as the cost in total divided by the output in total. 6.3 trillion yen – 30 billion yen was the revenue in total in the year 1999 as 30 billion yen loss was experienced by the company. Thus, 6270 billion yen (6,300 billion yen – 30 billion yen) will be provided. Thus, we received 0.995 billion yen (6270/6300).